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With a full body and high acidity profile, our Midnight Cafe blend is the perfect ingredient to create a satisfying short black.



With its full-flavoured aroma and sharp bite, our Midnight Cafe blend creates an ideal 'ahhh' moment, from the minute your lips touch the cup.

Sourced from our coffee-growing partners around the world, it’s a blend for the espresso and doppio lovers with a nice big full-bodied flavour and a sharp bite!

Midnight Cafe is the perfect coffee blend to get you going in the morning, and is ideal for espresso and stovetop extraction.

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A blend for the espresso and doppio lovers. Rich and chocolatey with a sharp, nutty fudge bite.

250g – $15.50 | 500g – $28.85

Growing Altitude 1200-1800 metres above sea level
Harvest Period Yearly
Acidity High
Body Full
Varietal Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra and Typica
Process Washed and wet milled
Tasting Notes Rich chocolate, a sharp nutty fudge bite
Perfect for Espresso, stovetop