Coffee at Home - Bean of the Week

African Masai

African Masai is at the heart of Zarraffa’s Coffee, established as our signature house blend since 1996 and consistently delivering a deliciously smooth and rounded espresso-based drink ever since.

This blend exhibits flavours of bittersweet cocoa, gentle almond and raisins, along with a bright lemon acidity and medium body, producing a nice espresso, long black, latte and anything in between.

African Masai is a versatile blend not limited to just an espresso extraction, as these flavours transfer well into other extraction methods, including favourites such as the V60 pour over, cold drip and cold brew.

Whichever way you enjoy your coffee, ask one of our Friendly Baristas about grinding the beans in store to suit your needs, while you wait.

Plunger TIPS

  • 1 scoop of coffee for the pot and 1 scoop of coffee for every cup you wish to make, then for future brews adjust to your taste.

  •  Pre-wet your grind once it’s in the plunger with 50-100mls of room temperature water before adding the hot water (not boiling, about 93 degrees). This will ensure that you get a nice even extraction for your brew.

  • 2-3 minutes is the ideal brew time for most coffees in a plunger, this can vary quite a bit depending on grind size and the coffee used. A great rule of thumb to run off though and adjust to flavour from there.


  • Using either of the cold extraction methods will extract slightly different flavours from the coffee, both of which will be excellent during the warm summer days

  • Both cold extractions take quite a bit longer than other methods, from 12-24 hours depending on your setup but it is definitely well worth the wait.

  • When making a cold drip – ensure that you are using room temperature water. A lot of recommendations when making cold drip say to use iced water, this will cause an uneven extraction though due to the fluctuations in extraction temperature!

  • When making cold brew ensure that you pre-wet the coffee adequately so that there aren’t any dry spots of coffee. This will guarantee that you get the best flavour out of your brew!

If you need any help with making coffee at home, don’t hesitate to ask one of our friendly baristas next time you’re in store picking up your favourite beans!

For more information on our African Masai Blend, simply click HERE